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Chime Candles

Chime Candles


Chime Candles are great for alters, manifestation and ritual work. You can see the use of candles throughout many cultures and religious text. Here is a general overview of the colors and their meanings/uses.

White - Peace, Purification, Truth, Tranqility , Healing

Black - Protection , Banish, Ending, Removal

Brown - House Blessings, Earth, Stability, Gardening, Recalling lost items, Concetration

Red - Passion, Desire, Courage, Creativity , Sex

Pink - Love, Romance, Forgiveness, Self Love , Intimacy , Friendship, Depression Relief

Orange- Creativity, Celebration, Ambition , Justice, Legal Work, Emotional Healing

Yellow/Gold - Sun, Joy, Positivity, Happiness, Success

Purple - Intuition, Spiritual Wisdom, Divination, Physic Enhance 
Blue - Communication , Forgiveness, Dream Recall, Water

Green - Luck , Fortune, Success , Fertility ,Jealousy

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